Boyko of Volodymyr Valeriyovych Charitable Foundation
Care and concern for the elderly is an important factor in our time, because once these people raised and protected us, worked for us and fought for our future with you. So today, we will help them! Looking at the meager pensions they receive and the constant increase in prices, it is not difficult to understand – veterans need help!
It’s good when old women have support – children, grandchildren…helpers, but if a person is lonely, and even the state is unable to help everyone at the same time – what then?…
Let’s unite for the sake of the future! Let’s set an example for our children! Together, we can help and support!

Help for children
The situation of children without parental care in hospitals and low-income families cannot leave anyone indifferent. There are no other people’s children, there are only small people who need the protection of adults.

What exactly do we help?
Helping lonely people
Helping lonely elderly people in difficult life circumstances…
Psychological support
We are not indifferent to the fate of people, so we also support in a psychological sense so that a person does not fall into despair…
Product support
We help those in need with food…
Medical support
After all, health is very important for each of us, so we also support with medicines and medical supplies…
Labor support
We help disabled people in work, in performing necessary tasks…
To animals
We do not stand aside when we see an animal in need of help. We help with food and shelter…
Together we are strong!
Don’t stay away from someone else’s trouble! Let’s help together in a good common cause…

Assistance to the disabled

Help for children

Helping animals
Would you also like to help with us?
We are always glad to see in our family those who want to help and benefit those in need.